The essence of the diet is that every day you should eat mainly protein foods - lots of fish, meat and low-fat dairy products. All these products are very nutritious, satiate for a long time, so you will not disturb the feeling of hunger. But the body that is deprived of carbohydrates and fats will start using its own fat reserves as additional energy.
The role of proteins in the body

Life without protein is impossible. The importance of proteins for the body lies in the fact that they serve as a material for building cells, tissues and organs, the formation of enzymes, most hormones, hemoglobin and other substances that play the most important functions of the body. Proteins and their role in the body are also involved in protecting the body from infections and also in promoting the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Our bioactivity is related to the constant consumption and renewal of proteins. To balance these processes, protein loss needs to be improved daily. Unlike fats and carbohydrates, it does not accumulate and is not formed in the body from other nutrients, that is, you can only get protein with food.
Length of the protein diet
Protein diets are usually prescribed in detail for one or two weeks. The menu is not very varied: in the second week, if any, experts advise to eat the same menu as in the first, following a diet from the last day to the first.
Also, nutritionists recommend following a protein diet for no longer than 14 days, after which you need to take a six-month break. Only after that can you continue the course.
Pros and cons of a protein diet

In addition to the usual goal of "losing weight", a protein diet has other beneficial effects on the body. Namely:
- To improve the condition of the skin. Protein is a fundamental part of the body. Thanks to it, the muscles are strong and the skin does not sag. By increasing the protein content of your daily diet, you ensure the beautiful appearance of your skin.
- Calorie content. Protein contains almost 2 times fewer calories than fat. And given that the body needs much more time and energy to process fat, the process of losing weight is simply inevitable.
- Removal of toxins. Protein helps to remove excess fluid from the body and with it toxins.
- Lack of hunger. Due to the body's properties and long protein adaptation, the feeling of hunger comes after a long time. And given that protein diets consist of 4-6 meals, there is no feeling of hunger during the day.
There are few drawbacks to a protein diet. Most of them are based on contraindications for certain groups of people. But it is not possible to fully attribute them to the defects, because having contraindications to the diet - it is no problem to sit on it. And if they did sit down anyway, then why complain?
So, the disadvantages of this diet are:
- Constipation. This is a common problem in people on a protein diet. The solution to this problem is to use large amounts of water or kefir. If that does not help, then the use of laxatives
- Decay products are not removed. The solution to this problem, as in the first case, is the use of water in the required amount.
- Opposition
- Length of diet. Due to its uniqueness, it is not recommended to sit on a protein diet for more than a month. If you use your diet only as a way to keep your figure in good shape and are not trying to lose extra pounds, then this restriction does not apply to you.
This is where the shortcomings of the diet end. Everything else already belongs to the category of contraindications and should be taken first and foremost even before you go on a diet.
Rules of protein diet

The properties of the protein diet are in accordance with the following rules:
- each meal is protein along with other foods,
- all food should be prepared without fat, fat content per day is 30 gr. , This is 1 - 2 tbsp. l. oils as a salad dressing
- until 14: 00 it is allowed to eat complex carbohydrates in the form of grains (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) 4 - 6 tbsp. l. ,
- you can use vegetables that do not contain starch (or with a minimum percentage of it) - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage and lettuce,
- from fruits, selected citrus fruits or unsweetened apples (1 - 2 per day),
- drink plenty of water (1-2 liters per day),
- you need to eat 4 to 6 times a day, about every 3 hours,
- as a spice, use herbs, lemon juice, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, garlic,
- do not drink alcohol and sweets during the diet,
- follow the table of protein content in products,
- The duration of the diet is not more than 2 weeks.
Protein diet
You need to eat at least 5 times a day, but the last time you can afford food is 3 hours before the lights go out and breakfast can only start 30 minutes after you wake up. As for the distribution of nutrients, before lunch you should consume a small amount of carbohydrates in the form of buckwheat, brown rice or oatmeal. Also, before lunch, you can eat fruit. You can consume up to 40 grams of fat per day, which is enough for the body.
How to cook meals with a protein diet
For 7 days, 14 or a month, the menu, the number of grams in each serving, with a protein diet, is not much different.
The first, second and third are an irreversible part of breakfast, lunch and dinner. The only difference is in the preparation and timing of the meal.
Soup is the first item on the menu. The basis of the soup is a protein extract: fish, meat, poultry. Vegetable supplement of your choice, cabbage, eggplant, sweet peppers, beans, eggs.
Potatoes are banned due to their high carbohydrate content. The lack of pasta and potatoes in the soup will not diminish the taste of vegetable soup with protein broth. All liquid foods contribute to weight loss.
For the latter dishes, there is a much wider range of products to satisfy hunger and at the same time lose weight. All recipes for dishes consist of chicken, fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, with the addition of vegetables, herbs and spices.
The question is what should replace the side dish? Potatoes, pasta, breakfast cereals are saturated with carbohydrates and are therefore not suitable for any diet. Replace carbs for vegetarian dishes. Bake, cook, stew, for every housewife. Just be careful with the spices.
Sugar, sweet syrup and some unadulterated additives can be lost in the composition. The use of a variety of foods in the diet, nutritional deficiencies and feelings of hunger are not noticeable.
Options for a protein diet
The daily menu consists of five meals, including a sufficient amount of protein so that the body does not experience hunger. The diet is quite varied while it consists of the simplest and easiest dishes.
The diet is designed for a week, with overweight you can increase the number of days to 14 days (2 weeks is the maximum you can be on a protein diet).
Menu №1 protein diet per week (7 days)

Make your diet so that its daily caloric content does not exceed 1000 kcal. Divide them into 5 meals so that the last one is 3-4 hours before bedtime. In a week you can throw 5-7 kg.
Day | meal | Menu of the day |
1 day | breakfast | Omelette made of 3 proteins 1 cup kefir (low fat) tea or coffee without sugar |
Late breakfast | 1 cup kefir or yoghurt (no additives) | |
Dinner | 100 gr. boiled chicken with spices and herbs | |
afternoon tea | 1 apple or orange | |
Dinner | 100-150 gr. baked fish with herbs and spices. 1 cup fat-free kefir |
2 days | breakfast | 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 tomato 1 wholemeal bread |
Late breakfast | 1 cup kefir or yoghurt (no additives) | |
Dinner | 100 gr. steamed meat, tomato and pepper salad - 100 gr. |
afternoon tea | 1 apple or orange | |
Dinner | 100 gr. canned fish (you can tuna or sardines), 100-150 gr. salad of fresh cabbage and cucumber, 1 glass of kefir (fat content up to 5%) |
3 days | breakfast | Oatmeal with a handful of nuts or dried fruit. Tea or coffee |
Late breakfast | Wholemeal bread and low-fat cheese sandwich | |
Dinner | 100 g chicken breast, 1/3 cup brown rice tomato and pepper salad - 100-150 gr. |
afternoon tea | 1 fruit, whatever, except bananas | |
Dinner | 100 gr. steamed fish, 1 cup boiled beans 1 cup kefir or yogurt |
Day 4 | breakfast | 150 g fat-free cottage cheese, Green tea |
Late breakfast | handful of nuts - no more than 30 gr. | |
Dinner | Chicken broth with vegetables and chicken breast. 1 wholemeal bread |
afternoon tea | 1 apple or orange | |
Dinner | Oven-baked fish or meat. Salad of fresh vegetables - cabbage, tomatoes and red peppers. |
Day 5 | breakfast | Tomato salad and salad seasoned with lemon juice |
Late breakfast | 1 cup kefir or yoghurt (no additives) | |
Dinner | Broccoli cream soup with chicken breast. 1 wholemeal bread |
afternoon tea | 5 pieces. any dried fruit | |
Dinner | Cabbage and green bean salad. Breasts baked with cheese and tomatoes (hard cheese) |
Day 6 | breakfast | Omelette made from 2 eggs and low-fat ham. Tea or coffee, all without sugar. |
Late breakfast | 1 fruit, whatever, except bananas | |
Dinner | 100 gr. steamed fish, 1/3 cup boiled rice. 1 tomato |
afternoon tea | 1 cup kefir or yoghurt (no additives) | |
Dinner | Stew from vegetables and meat - not more than 200 gr. Kefir or yogurt |
Day 7 | breakfast | 150 gr. fat-free cottage cheese with dried apricots, Green tea |
Late breakfast | handful of nuts - no more than 30 gr. | |
Dinner | 1/3 cup buckwheat (it is better not to boil it but pour it with boiling water and leave it overnight) and fish or meat of your choice | |
afternoon tea | 1 orange | |
Dinner | 150 g of meat with lemon and herbs baked in the oven. Mix the juice of half a lemon and spices for meat, marinate the meat for 1 to 4 hours. After baking in the oven for 25-30 minutes |
Menu number 2 protein diet per week

Another advantage of a protein diet for very fast weight loss is that you can create a menu of your choice. There are no strict rules here. The option shown is just an example.
The dose is about 200-250 gr.
Day one: Breakfast, afternoon, supper, snacks
1 p. (breakfast) | Coffee / tea without sweeteners + cottage cheese |
2 p. (2nd breakfast) | Apple |
3 p. p. (lunch) | Boiled chicken breast with baked vegetables |
4 p. (snarl) | Empty natural yogurt |
5 p. (dinner) | Steamed fish + vegetable salad |
Day two: Breakfast, afternoon, supper, snack
1 p. (breakfast) | Coffee / tea without sweeteners + yoghurt |
2 p. (2nd breakfast) | Orange |
3 p. p. (lunch) | Vegetables (baked) + veal (beef) |
4 p. (snarl) | Kefir |
5 p. (dinner) | Fish (baked) and vegetables (natural, without heat treatment) |
Day three: Morning, afternoon, supper, snack
1 p. (breakfast) | Coffee / tea without sweeteners + some eggs |
2 p. (2nd breakfast) | Greipaldin |
3 p. p. (lunch) | Baked turkey thighs + -5 tbsp. edge of rice |
4 p. (snarl) | cottage cheese |
5 p. (dinner) | Veal + boiled veal |
Day four: Breakfast, afternoon, supper, snacks
1 p. (breakfast) | Kefir + cookies (2 pcs. , Made from oatmeal, better homemade) |
2 p. (2nd breakfast) | Kiwi (2 pcs) |
3 p. p. (lunch) | Chicken with asparagus |
4 p. (snarl) | Fresh juice |
5 p. (dinner) | Seafood and vegetables |
Day five: Breakfast, afternoon, supper, snacks
1 p. (breakfast) | Steamed 2 eggs omelet + tea or unsweetened coffee |
2 p. (2nd breakfast) | Apple |
3 p. p. (lunch) | Fish with bread |
4 p. (snarl) | Ryazhenka |
5 p. (dinner) | Chicken + raw vegetables |
Day seven: Breakfast, afternoon, supper, snacks
1 p. (breakfast) | Cottage cheese + tea or unsweetened coffee |
2 p. (2nd breakfast) | Orange |
3 p. p. (lunch) | Tofu baked with vegetables |
4 p. (snarl) | Yogurt without additives |
5 p. (dinner) | Shrimp with asparagus |
Day seven: Breakfast, afternoon, supper, snacks
1 p. (breakfast) | Cottage cheese + tea or unsweetened coffee |
2 p. (2nd breakfast) | Apple |
3 p. p. (lunch) | Vegetable soup + boiled beef |
4 p. (snarl) | Kefir + wholemeal bread |
5 p. (dinner) | Steamed fish + vegetable salad |
Protein diet menu for 14 days
Products on the menu can be safely substituted for equivalents in the table of permitted and proposed dishes can be substituted for similar in terms of calorie content and composition. The main thing is to follow the rules: eat breaks 5-6 times a day, drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day, do not eat forbidden food.
Breakfast |
another breakfast |
Dinners |
afternoon tea |
Dinners |
The list of permitted products is so varied that it is not difficult to develop a detailed menu with a protein diet for yourself, there is room for the imagination to "bottle around". Gradually following a protein diet allows you to go gradually and effectivelyfrom the diet.
Protein Diet Recipes

As you know, a protein diet is based on the complete or partial exclusion of carbohydrates from the body. The basis of your diet should be white meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. In more economical versions of such a diet, vegetables and nuts are allowed. In a rigid weight loss system, you can not really clean up. For a week, and sometimes more, every day you only need to eat boiled eggs, fish and chicken.
As you can see, the following recipes are more suitable for saving and more varied in terms of permitted products. They are based on protein products, but some ingredients can be added to improve the taste, which is somewhat beyond the nutritional rules of a rigid protein diet.
First meal
Egg yolk soup
Raw material:
- 400 g chicken or turkey breast
- 300-400 g spinach,
- 2 boiled eggs,
- 150 ml milk
- spices,
- salt,
- parsley twigs.
Boil the meat in 2-2, 5 liters of water until it is tender with bay leaves, peppercorns and Provence herbs. Take out the meat and cut into cubes. Put the chopped spinach in the broth and boil until it is tender. Pour the soup, the milk into the mixing bowl, put the meat and minced eggs and whip until creamy. Serve immediately, garnished with parsley sprigs and half a boiled egg.
Nutritious fish soup
- 400 g fillets of any white fish,
- 1 red onion
- 400 g cauliflower,
- lemon juice,
- pepper,
- salt,
- natural yogurt (optional)
Take the cauliflower apart, peel it, cut it into small pieces. Cut the fish into large cubes. Chop the onion into thin half circles. Put everything in a saucepan, fill with water and cook until tender. Salt, pepper, before serving, if desired, add lemon juice and a few tablespoons of Greek yogurt.
Soup with chicken balls
- 300 g minced chicken,
- 2 squirrels,
- 1 tablespoon,
- vegetable broth (from celery or cauliflower with onions),
- 5 stalks of green onions
- 1 small onion
- salt and spices.
Mix together minced meat, squirrels, bran and finely ground onions, shape into meatballs the size of a small chestnut. Put meatballs, bay leaves, 5 black peppercorns in boiling broth, boil until tender. Before serving, garnish with finely chopped green onions.
Results and reviews by protein diet

The results before and after the diet are elegant - in just one week you can lose up to 5 kilos, depending on your initial weight and activity. Since protein foods saturate the body well with energy, it is recommended to combine diet and exercise to achieve maximum effect.
As for the reviews, they are both positive and negative. For many, the diet did not fit - in view of the lack of vitamins and trace elements, some of those who lost weight developed dizziness and weakness. Despite this, every person who has been on this diet has lost weight.
Contraindications to a protein diet

For this diet, go through a mandatory medical examination, because a protein diet is not allowed for everyone and is completely forbidden:
- with abnormalities in the function of the heart (with arrhythmias) and some of its diseases,
- hepatitis and any liver disease,
- during breastfeeding and during pregnancy,
- with renal impairment
- with joint pain or related diseases,
- with colitis, dysbacteriosis, chronic pancreatitis and a number of other gastrointestinal diseases,
- diet increases the risk of thrombosis and is therefore not recommended in the elderly,
- with a duration longer than 4 weeks.
Protein diet options

Many modern diets are based on the principle of protein nutrition. Consider the most popular options.
Protein-carbohydrate diet
Its essence is that protein days alternate between carbohydrate days, that is, one day you eat only protein foods, on the other you eat complex carbohydrates. This diet is considered more balanced and can be followed for more than two weeks. Such a diet is usually resorted to solely on a protein diet to confirm the outcome.
Atkins diet
Also known as the Hollywood diet, which has become a favorite of many Hollywood stars. The basis of nutrition, which Dr. Atkins has summed up, the use is mainly protein diets, even high-calorie fatty foods are allowed, but carbohydrates are excluded.
Protein diet Dr. Pierre Dukan
The most popular protein diet is the Dukan diet. This is exactly the system of proper nutrition, which you must follow for the rest of your life. According to modern nutritionists, the best diet for weight loss is what you can follow without suffering from hunger, without falling from weakness and without being obsessed with calorie counting.
Recommendations for a protein diet

Given the disadvantages of this method of losing weight, we have compiled a recommendation for you, where you can minimize the negative consequences for your body and only benefit from the diet:
- First of all, do not overdo the diet. Remember that the measure is essential in everything: do not exclude carbohydrates and fats completely from the diet. If you decide to continue losing weight after a week of dieting, do not sit on such a diet for more than a month and then take a 2-3 month break.
- Since a 7-day weight loss protein diet puts a lot of strain on your kidneys, eat more vegetables.
- Eat at least 4 small meals a day.
- The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
- To avoid problems with bowel movements, monitor the water system - you must drink at least 1, 5 liters of clean water a day.
- Do not exceed the daily caloric intake of 1500 kcal.
- Choose quality products! Remember that food quality is a very important condition for weight loss.
- If you include eggs in your diet, do not eat more than 4 eggs a day. This is especially true of egg yolks, which consist mainly of fat and increase cholesterol levels.
- Protein in carbohydrate duets is better absorbed. When eating boiled chicken breast, add steamed cauliflower to your plate. But it is better to introduce carbohydrates in the middle of the day, at lunch.
- If your goal is not only to lose weight, but also to increase muscle mass, remember that muscles grow precisely from strength.
- To avoid nutrient deficiencies, it is recommended to take vitamins during weight loss.